Monday, September 13, 2010

One love...

Why do we seem to be fighting for different sides? Why are we even fighting at all? We are far beyond finding fault within one another. The war between black men and black women is and always has been genocide. We’re only hurting ourselves. When single mothers tell their daughters that black men aren’t any good and black men praise each other for promiscuity, the destruction of black love is inevitable. This epidemic cannot be cured overnight, but a healthy dose of understanding can combat the symptoms. First of all, instead of saying men vs. women, we should say men and women. After all, we’re in this together. Secondly, putting pressure on a man/woman to become someone that you want them to be, is the fastest way to cause dissention in any relationship. Therefore, fall in love with who the person is and not what YOU want them to be. Lastly, remember that the ability to unlearn is as important as the ability to learn. Everything you hear about men and women should be taken in context. When someone says that “niggas” or “hoes”” ain’t shit”, take a long look at them. Maybe their decisions created their situation. How does saying go? Fool me once…Then again, I’m just Lorenza, but this is MY blog…

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Intellectual Coward...

     If you were in a club and you scuffed someone's shoe, you'd probably have to fight. If you bumped into or 'eyeballed' a young brother in the 'street', you would definitely have to prepare to defend yourself. This has to do with that male bravado that says to never let anyone punk you. Well, there is one source that punks even the hardest dudes you know. Trust me. I've seen it happen and its not a pleasant sight. Fast thinkers may believe that I'm about to say that the source is the dreaded police...not so fast. I'm referring to the classroom. That same brother that pounds his chest and talks loudly when he believes that he has been challenged as a man, will more than likely cower in his desk when asked his thoughts on the current topic of discussion in the classroom. It's not his fault, though. It's expected. Who is he to change the status quo? Its been like this for a very long time.This isn't a new phenomemon. Then again, this is simply MY blog...I could be wrong,,,right?

Saturday, September 11, 2010


     So, my classmates organized a walk out to protest the misappropriation of funds that seemed to hinder students from collevting refund checks. Less than 300 students on a campus of more than 5000 participated. The good news is that the demonstration seemed to work. Students are already finding refund balances posted to their accounts. Also, the administration has decided not to drop the classes of those who still have financial aid problems until after Sept. 17. I was proud to see students come together for a common cause. Our voices are definitely stronger as a unit than as individuals. I look forward to the rest of this senior year. Maybe this is the year we'll have enough participation to build clean wells in Africa, or host a debate between District Rep. Candidates and or rally around the Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate(who supports a lottery; Lottery in Ga gives students more funds for school..aka...Hope Grant). Maybe it's time to address crime on campus, or pin point the reason our graduation and retention rates are so low. Or, maybe not...After all...even the great Lil Wayne says that "Money is the motivation." This is my blog...just saying...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Family First...

     There have been countless instances that I've heard people say you can't choose your family. It took me quite some time to realize how "completely" wrong they were. It is true that you cannot choose your birth mother/father, but you definitely have the opportunity to decide who consider your mother/father. The same goes for siblings as well. Basically, there is no family title that cannot be replaced. You do have the power to choose. If you can't consider friends and mentors family, those of which you have chosen to be around, then you have definitely failed yourself. Make the impossible possible. Look around you and then start to place your family among you. It's ok to substitute. You must supplement for what you lack...Then again, this is MY blog...