Monday, September 13, 2010

One love...

Why do we seem to be fighting for different sides? Why are we even fighting at all? We are far beyond finding fault within one another. The war between black men and black women is and always has been genocide. We’re only hurting ourselves. When single mothers tell their daughters that black men aren’t any good and black men praise each other for promiscuity, the destruction of black love is inevitable. This epidemic cannot be cured overnight, but a healthy dose of understanding can combat the symptoms. First of all, instead of saying men vs. women, we should say men and women. After all, we’re in this together. Secondly, putting pressure on a man/woman to become someone that you want them to be, is the fastest way to cause dissention in any relationship. Therefore, fall in love with who the person is and not what YOU want them to be. Lastly, remember that the ability to unlearn is as important as the ability to learn. Everything you hear about men and women should be taken in context. When someone says that “niggas” or “hoes”” ain’t shit”, take a long look at them. Maybe their decisions created their situation. How does saying go? Fool me once…Then again, I’m just Lorenza, but this is MY blog…

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