Saturday, October 30, 2010

Better Left Unsaid???

     There are many moments in life that you freeze in order to preserve them in your mind's capsule. These are moments that are both treasured and regretted. The instances that you hold in the deepest corners of your mind, i.e. the regrets, help shape your psyche as much as those you hold highest in regard. Bad experiences should never be repressed. Repression only allows you to be hurt over and over again with the mere mention of the topic; each time cuts with the exact sharpness of the initial encounter. Instead of subjecting yourself to such pain, deal with the problem and the source if applicable. Confrontation isn't a strong point for most, but true comfort only comes after understanding is obtained. Everyone fantasizes about a moment they wish would have gone differently and sadly, we don't revisit those times so that we may save face. Our goal should be to minimize those moments in order to experience the maximum result of all of our relationships. Maybe this doesn't apply to definitely applies to me, though...and that is why this is MY blog...


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