Sunday, September 12, 2010

Intellectual Coward...

     If you were in a club and you scuffed someone's shoe, you'd probably have to fight. If you bumped into or 'eyeballed' a young brother in the 'street', you would definitely have to prepare to defend yourself. This has to do with that male bravado that says to never let anyone punk you. Well, there is one source that punks even the hardest dudes you know. Trust me. I've seen it happen and its not a pleasant sight. Fast thinkers may believe that I'm about to say that the source is the dreaded police...not so fast. I'm referring to the classroom. That same brother that pounds his chest and talks loudly when he believes that he has been challenged as a man, will more than likely cower in his desk when asked his thoughts on the current topic of discussion in the classroom. It's not his fault, though. It's expected. Who is he to change the status quo? Its been like this for a very long time.This isn't a new phenomemon. Then again, this is simply MY blog...I could be wrong,,,right?

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