Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What Does Your Shirt Say...

     When Jason awoke he could feel a knot in his stomach. This feeling wasn’t new to him at all. He has felt this way every day of his life since his father disappeared. Well, to him, it felt like his father vanished. In reality, his father moved on to something else and only seen his son every other weekend. Each of those visits became more and more short. His father felt as though he was still in his son’s life, but what’s good for the father isn’t necessarily good for the son.
      He rolled out of bed and walked into the kitchen. His mother and younger sister were already up and dressed. When he noticed his sister’s shirt he proceeded to kiss her on the forehead. It was almost like he was trying to preserve her innocence. His mom’s shirt prompted him to let her know that he had found a part-time job and that his midterm grades were fine.
      Shortly after breakfast, he went and had a long look in the mirror to decide what he was going to wear. It may sound vain, but there is a deeper meaning in the world that he lives in. The shirt that inspired his sister’s kiss read “Hope”, his mom’s shirt read “Assurance”. In Jason’s reality, your shirt says exactly what you need most in your life. So, it was no surprise that he decided to don his “Faith” shirt. He needed to be sure that he was making the best decisions for himself and his family.
      In our world, we see clothes as a status symbol, but what if we were all Jason? If you read “Help” on someone’s chest, would you give them the shirt off of your back? I’d like to think I would. Then again, I could be just blogging….

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